There are many places you can visit near S N Junction, Texas. The following list includes places within 144 miles of S N Junction. You can find directions from S N Junction to these places and book flights to these places. Or, you can take a road trip and explore smaller towns. All distances are in miles or kilometers.
S N Junction is in Tom Green County, Texas, United States. It is approximately 1,415 miles (or 2,278 km) west of Washington, DC. It is home to NativeTexan55, a public domain photographer. The town is located on US Highway 278 and is accessible by car, plane, or truck.
Junction is also known for its parks, including the South Llano River State Park, which covers more than 2,600 acres. It has eight swimming pools and tennis courts. There are many hotels and motels in the area. Since it is located along Interstate 10, Junction is heavily traveled. The town also boasts the Fort McKavett State Historic Site.
A community as small as Junction is home to many families, including single-parent families and retirees. This town is located in the fertile Texas Hill Country river valley, where the North and South Llano rivers meet. There are many road intersections in Junction, including Interstate Highway 10 and US Highway 83. Numerous farm-to-market routes also meet here.
A post office opened in 1876. A few years later, it moved to the town square. The town also became the center of Kimble County’s newspaper. The courthouse in Junction burned down in 1884, but the town rebuilt a stone building. It remained in use until the present courthouse was built in 1929. The town was also home to the city’s first waterworks, provided by Ernest Holecamp in 1895. A canal from South Llano was dug to Junction. The town then built a dam in 1896 on the South Llano.
The temperature will drop today compared to yesterday. The wind will not be very strong. The average wind speed is 8 km/h. The temperatures will fall to 11degC tomorrow. The relative humidity will be 52%. If you’re traveling to S N Junction, TX, you may want to consider a flight to a nearby city.
The town also hosts a large annual festival – the Billie Sale and Parade – and a Kimble Kow Kick in September. The population in 2005 was 2,638. It is home to several historical sites, including a museum featuring an exact replica of a congressman’s office in Washington, DC.
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